Pirate captain's room

Every ship must have a captain... and it doesn't matter if order isn't among his priorities.
The rendering includes many items that could be useful in the life of a sailor and captain.
The map is kept firmly anchored to the table with a dagger, while many other objects are left free to move, cradled by the waves that also move the ship itself (a precariously balanced sword, a cannonball and many others). It seems that almost everything hangs a bit in the captain's room.
Part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship...
Graphics gallery with renders and videos.
Unknown places and dreamlike atmospheres in which to get lost or find yourself.

Endless night - horror lullaby

Magic room

The mine

The blacksmith

Wellerman - karaoke version

Misterious shop sign

Gears room

Pirate captain's room

Magic library

Cottage in magic forest

Pirates Bay game play

Trailer - Idrobyte (v2)

Intro - Empirical Games

Tetris DishWasher

Animation of a tank

Intro - 4Major

Trailer - Aeterna